How climate change will bring more pests, disease to South Shore and beyond (2024)

Hadley Barndollar|USA TODAY NETWORK

How climate change will bring more pests, disease to South Shore and beyond (1)

How climate change will bring more pests, disease to South Shore and beyond (2)

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Last month in Egypt, floods from heavy rain drove swarmsof "deathstalker" scorpions from their hideouts and into people's homes. More than 500 people were stung,and some Egyptian scientists began to publicly make connections to climate change, saying they'd never seen such intense flooding touch residential areas.

New England may not have scorpions burrowing in its hills, but it does haveinsect and arachnid populations that people will begin to see more of.

Climate change is causing a rapid decline in some species – such asbutterflies and honeybees– while also making the planet more hospitable for others. Across the New England region, warming temperatures, milder winters and periods of increased rainfall make an ideal recipe for an increasein ticks and mosquitoes, experts say. It's also paving the way for new species to move north.

As these populations expand, the question becomes: Will the risk for the infectious diseases they carry–such as Lyme disease, babesiosis, West Nile and Eastern equine encephalitis viruses – increase too?

Both the Environmental Protection Agency and theCenters for Disease Control and Preventionacknowledge studies pointing to climate change as contributing to the extended range of ticks, increasing the potential risk of Lyme disease, and acceleratingmosquitodevelopment and biting rates.

"The more water and more heat that we get, the more available mosquitoes there are to carry all of these viruses," said Todd Duval, entomologist for the Bristol County Mosquito Control Project in Massachusetts. "Everything that helps these animals survive and thrive, which is warmer winters, that helps the diseases perpetuate."

This past spring and summer have provided ample wet conditions for mosquitoes, Plymouth County Mosquito Control Project Superintendent Ross Rossetti said.

“We did have (a) substantial population of mosquitoes,” he said. “This past year was one of the wettest summers that we’ve ever had.”

The Plymouth project will spend time this winter working to keep water from stagnating, which creates conditions for mosquitoes to thrive.

“We’re doing ditch cleaning, trying to keep water moving,” Rossetti said. “We’re trying to eliminate as much standing water as we can.”

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Climate change is among a handful of factors affectingvector-borne disease transmission, according toa recent study by Rhode Island researchers on tick-borne diseases and climate change. Other environmental and socioeconomic factors, such as housing development and population growth, complicate "direct predictions of climate change effects on future disease distribution patterns,"the study said.

Tick expert Dr. Sam Telford, professor of infectious diseases and global health at Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Health, said he doesn't see the epidemiological evidenceyet, noting "it could go either way."

Besides the familiar pests,New Englanders may begin to see insects they've never come across before,such as the southern pine beetle. Native to forests in the Southern U.S.,the beetle, which is the most destructive and deadly insect to pine trees, has crept north amid the warming climate.

"They can kill hundreds of thousands of acres a summer," said Claire Rutledge, an entomologistwith theConnecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

A 2017 study by climatologists at Columbia University said about40,000 square miles of pitch pine forests from eastern Ohio to southern Maine will become hospitable to the beetle by midcentury.And by 2080,those conditions couldextend into Ontario and Quebec.

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Ticks like humidity, precipitation, mild winters

Larry Dapsis,deer tick project coordinator and entomologist for theCape Cod Cooperative Extension, said his phone "rings way more than it used to."

As New England trends toward milder winters, that's good news for ticks and bad news for humans. The warmer temperatures mean fewer disease-carrying ticks will die off, leadingto an increase in thetick population.

Dapsis tells people that tick season is 365 days a year now. Weather and temperature trendswill determine whetherticks become more active during atypical times.

"Ticks actually make a chemical called glycerol, which is anti-freeze," said Dapsis. "They are a perfectly engineered little package, so when it gets really, really cold, they just hunker down. And when it gets up above freezing, they're up and active."

More: It's still prime season on Cape Cod for ticks and the diseases they carry

Ticks in the nymph stage, Dapsis said, account for 85% of tick-borne diseases, and they're expected to emerge earlier in the spring because of warmer temperatures. Nymphs typically show up in mid- to late May,he said.

Climate change has also introduced new tick species to New England.

"Ecologists say, 'You want a sign of climate change? Let's look at the Lone Star tick,' " said Dapsis."The Lone Star tick has been moving northward steadily for years. Between climate change and migratory birds, now it's the third tick in our landscape of public health importance."

The Asian longhorned tick, an invasive species first identified in the U.S. in 2017, is "on our doorstep," he said. It's been found in Connecticut and Rhode Island, as well as a handful of other states.

Cases of Lyme disease, transmitted primarily by deer ticks, havedoubled in the U.S. over the past two decades, but reporting techniques vary and don't take into account factors like population growth and development.

EPA data showsamong the states where the disease is most common and where cases have been tracked consistently from 1991 to 2018, Maine and Vermont have experienced the largest increases in reported case rates, followed by New Hampshire. The data, however, is missing numbers fromConnecticut, Massachusettsand Rhode Islandbecause those states have changed their reporting methods, makingit difficult to calculate an accurate trend, the EPA said.

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On the other side of the coin, Tufts University's Telford, who has long been on a crusade against Lyme disease, said climate change could result in New England becomingmore like its Southern neighbors. South of Virginia, Lyme is fairly rare. The Lone Star tick doesn'tcarry Lyme, and as the species has moved north, in places like Long Island, New York, it's begun to dominate the deer tick population.

"The Lone Star tick is not as much of a vector as deer ticks are," Telford said. "But there's no question that people are now suffering in southern New England and the islands because the Lone Star tick has invaded. It is much more of a pest situation."

'It was our largest mosquito season'

A 2019 study published in Nature Microbiology by an international team of researchers showed that climate change will expose half of the world's populationto disease-spreading mosquitoes by 2050.

Like ticks, warmer temperatures are helping mosquitoes survive. Duval, the Bristol County entomologis, said mosquito larvaetend to hang out in white cedar swamps and cavities of trees during the winter, sheltering from the cold.

"Mild winters are good for them," he said. "We're not getting these freezing winters that tend to keep everything in check."

What does data tell us about our state?: Our warming climate is having a dramatic impact on precipitation.

What's interesting about mosquitoes, and in particular the diseases they carry, Duval noted, is that they'll benefit from two climate extremes:drought and increased precipitation. And in New England, climatologists say the region is expected to havemore dry spells punctuated by shorter deluges of precipitation, as demonstrated this past summer.

During droughts, birds are pushed to sources of water, and where mosquitoes breed. Being in close quarters with birds means mosquitoes aremore likely tocontract West Nile and EEE from themas they congregate in one place.

On the other hand, Duval said, lots of rain usually results in a "huge, huge flush of brand-new mosquitoes."

"This season was about two weeks longer than it usually is, and it was also our largest mosquito season, largely attributed to the two hurricanes that came through," he said. "All of that helps to prime the mosquito habitats.The floodplains and woodland pools and our swamps."

Southern pine beetles have made theirway to New England

In 2015, scientists first discovered that thebeetle most deadly for pine trees hadfound its way to southern New England, specifically Connecticut. Itappeared as though the insectshad "just rained down out of the sky," said state entomologist Rutledge.

"It was very surprising to find them," she said.

Nearly seven years later, the beetlehas been tracked all across Connecticut, in Rhode Island and on Cape Cod. Rutledge said scientists are seeing "larger and larger numbers" each year, a trend that'slikely to continue as long as global warming persists and milder winters become a norm.

"The critical thing for (the beetles) is the minimum winter temperature, and we need the temperature to be minus-13 Fahrenheit for at least a couple nights (to keep populations in check)," she said."We just have not been doing that on a regular basis in Connecticut."

A polar vortex during the 2015-16 winter likely helped stifle the population growing in New England, Rutledge said, but there haven'tbeenwinters like that since.

As a result, southern pine beetles could go from an "endemic" – where they solely attack weak trees – to an "epidemic," where the population buildsup enough toinitiate "mass attacks," Rutledge said, and overwhelm a healthy tree's defense system.

Female southern pine beetles find host trees and beginchewing their waybeneath the bark while releasingpheromones to attract others to the area. Trees can diefrom fungal infections as a result of thebeetles' feeding.

"When you have a lot of beetles attacking a tree, you get tree mortality within six months," said Rutledge.

Of particular worry are New England's pitch pine trees, a "favored host" to southern pine beetles. The region's pitch pine barrens are "really at risk," Rutledge said, if the beetles are able to flip to an epidemic stage.

Reporter Alexandra Weliever contributed to this report.

How climate change will bring more pests, disease to South Shore and beyond (2024)


How climate change will bring more pests, disease to South Shore and beyond? ›

“In general, an increase in temperature and precipitation levels favors the growth and distribution of most pest species by providing a warm and humid environment and providing necessary moisture for their growth,” says Tek Sapkota, agricultural systems and climate change scientist at the International Maize and Wheat ...

How does climate change affect pests and disease? ›

Ongoing increases in temperature and changes in precipitation patterns will induce new conditions that will affect insect populations, incidence of pathogens, and the geographic distribution of insects, weeds and diseases.

How does climate change affect insect borne diseases? ›

Some studies suggest that climate change can promote a shift among vector-borne diseases. For example, warming temperatures projected in many regions will likely transfer the malaria disease burden to A. aegypti-borne viruses (DENV, ZIKV, YFV and CHIKV) in sub-Saharan Africa through 2080.

How does climate change cause more disease? ›

Changing rain patterns are expanding vectors' range and their active periods. Shorter, warmer winters and longer summers are also linked to more vector-borne diseases. For example, diseases caused by ticks (like babesiosis and Lyme disease) are now occurring in the winter too.

How has climate change increased the spread of disease through contaminated water sources and insects? ›

Increased rainfall, storms, and flooding can contaminate water resources with viruses and bacteria, causing gastrointestinal and other illnesses.

Why might global warming cause the spread of diseases caused by insects? ›

Global warming causes the spread of diseases caused by insects because warmer temperatures allow the bugs to increase their habitat area, spreading disease into new areas. Warmer temperatures create conditions that are more favorable to the reproduction and survival of insects, which can carry diseases.

How has climate change affected the range of insects? ›

Because they are so dependent on external conditions, they may respond to climate change more acutely than other animals. One way that insects cope with climate change is by shifting their range, or permanently relocating to places with lower temperatures.

What are 5 insect borne diseases that are on the rise due to global climate change? ›

Climate Change Impacts on Vectors and Human Health

The most well-known diseases include dengue, malaria, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika from mosquitoes; Lyme disease from ticks; plague from fleas; and schistosomiasis from aquatic snails.

How does climate affect both the parasites and mosquitos? ›

At lower altitudes where malaria is already a problem, warmer temperatures will alter the growth cycle of the parasite in the mosquito enabling it to develop faster, increasing transmission and thus having implications on the burden of disease.

Which vector-borne diseases could be worsened by climate change? ›

Nearly half a billion more people could be at risk for contracting mosquito-borne diseases such as yellow fever, Zika, dengue and chikungunya in the next 30 years as a result of climate change, new research shows.

Will the world be livable in 2050? ›

Today, just one percent of the planet falls within so-called “barely liveable” hot zones: by 2050, the ratio could rise to almost twenty percent. In 2100, temperatures could rise so high that spending a few hours outside some major capital cities of South Asia and East Asia could be lethal.

How is climate change affecting the ocean? ›

As the excessive heat and energy warms the ocean, the change in temperature leads to unparalleled cascading effects, including ice-melting, sea-level rise, marine heatwaves, and ocean acidification.

What is the burden of disease due to climate change? ›

Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause around 250,000 additional deaths per year because of malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress alone, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Climate change has both direct and indirect health impacts. Image: World Health Organization.

How does climate change increase disease transmission? ›

As the globe warms, mosquitoes will roam beyond their current habitats, shifting the burden of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya and West Nile virus. Researchers forecast different scenarios depending on the extent of climate change.

How can climate change affect the spread of waterborne diseases? ›

Furthermore, changes in precipitation patterns can mobilize or concentrate pathogens and compromise water and sanitation infrastructure. Flooding and runoff can lead to the dissemination of raw sewage, harmful chemicals and pathogens, and drought can concentrate pathogens in areas of limited water supply.

How can global warming lead to an increase in infectious diseases in the Caribbean? ›

Increases in temperature and precipitation are found to impact vector distribution and increase vector development and biting rates [2]. Increasing frequency of floods and rising sea levels can contaminate drinking water with fecal-oral pathogens leading to an increase in water borne diseases[3].

How does weather affect pests? ›

For example, most pests prefer warmer temperatures over colder. They also need ample water and nutrition. And finally, they require shelter of some sort, no matter the elements. This sounds simple enough but knowing the best and worst weather for pests isn't cut and dried.

How will climate change affect pest infestations of forests? ›

How will climate change affect pest infestations of forests? Even-aged forests will be less prone to pest outbreaks. Warmer weather will prevent pests from migrating into forests. Droughts will weaken trees so they will be less attractive to pests.

How do weather and climate affect plant diseases? ›

As rain falls from the sky, fungi land on crop leaves, which creates a splash effect or can even allow the leaf to bend and “fling” the fungi forward. Tiny fungal spores can then land on another leaf and infect more plants. And the process repeats itself.

How does climate change affect humans animals and plants? ›

More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.


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